Natural appearance, so how do we look? – My favourite sources
Educate yourself about the natural appearance of vulvas. Celebrate your uniqueness!
It is not about beauty, about being right/wrong, it is about loving your unique Goddess temple and the beautiful experiences you can have with her!
Here are some examples to take a look at to get you started for appreciating the wide variety:
The Great Wall of Vagina
Jamie McCartney’s “The Great Wall of Vagina” – a sculpture made from plaster casts of 400 women’s vulvae: http://www.greatwallofvagina.co.uk/home
I know, he is confusing vaginas and vulvas, but for the sake of the cool title and the wonderful work he put together, I forgave him. If you too feel confused about vulvas and vaginas and which is which, you can read more here.
“The Gate to the World”
Grit Scholz collected pictures of female genitalia for her book “Das Tor ins Leben” (The Gate to the World). In her project she observed how the vulva of a woman changes according to the moods the woman is in. She took the pictures in special weekend workshops capturing vulvae after being in the sauna or after dancing. She says that from these different shots you would never think that it is one and the same vulva you are looking at, as can also be seen in her book: https://www.lebensgut-verlag.de/b%C3%BCcher/das-tor-ins-leben/

Jaqueline Secor’s “Diversity of Nature”
Artist Jacqueline Secor captured the beauty of natural variety in her project “Diversity of Nature”, in which each body is honoured in all of its individuality. Women from all around the world, friends, family members, casual acquaintances, and total strangers, have contributed as models for this series. https://jacquelinesecorart.com/diversity-of-nature/
Labia library
Or watch an online photo gallery – the Labia Library – collected by Women’s Health Victoria, an Australian not-for-profit organisation: http://www.labialibrary.org.au
“I am as unique as my yoni”
For German-speaking women there is an online workshop on loving your yoni: “Meine Yoni*, ich bin so einzigartig wie meine Yoni” (My yoni: I am as unique as my yoni”): https://akademie-der-weiblichkeit.de/meine-yoni/
If you know of other sources that show our vulvas naturally and in their true shape and color, let us know!
*) Yoni = the tantric term for the whole womb space, meaning the female genitals (vulva, vagina and uterus)