We need a good balance

Yin and Yang are terms from Chinese philosophy. They can be understood as the feminine and masculine principle. They are opposites and complement each other. The way I see it, in our currently still partriarchal world the balance of both forces has got out of hand. I tried to capture it in the following way:…

By Katharina Weitkamp 15. November 2020 0

“Normal” vulvas – what science has to say

“But what IS normal?” you ask. Protruding inner labia? The Barbie doll slit? Luscious outer lips? Let’s turn to science for an answer: to date, there are only four studies on natural anatomical variation of female genitalia in science literature – from Britain, Denmark, Turkey and Switzerland. For the penis it’s different… Interestingly, the penis…

By Katharina Weitkamp 30. October 2020 0